Thursday, February 14, 2013

Meeting Kayla

The Bar Code Tattoo chapters 1-10
The bar code tattoo is a tattoo that is placed on your wrist that can be scanned to find out information on you at a specific place if you need to pay something. It is also your driver’s license. Kayla’s family has gone downhill ever since her parents got the tattoo. She does not want to get it because of what has happened to her family.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


My book "Shooter" is set at Madison High School, Harrison Co. A fatal shooting has occurred. This is all the reader knows at the beginning of the novel. What actually occurred at Madison High School on the morning of April 22nd is left up to the reader to reconstruct from the variety of documents that compose the body of the novel. The first two items are interviews conducted with Cameron Porter, a 17-year old male and one of the few African Americans at the high school, and Carla Evens, a 17-year old girl that dated Lenard and was one of Camerons best friends.